Tuesday 1 May 2018


We have been talking about plastic this week in assembly. Plastic waste is ending up in the sea and destroying animals and their habitats.
Write a letter to Sue Sampson (mayor of Hounslow) to persuade them to provide the school with a plastic recycling box so that we can reuse all of our plastic waste.

If we don’t do anything about the plastic waste there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish in 2050!

Please make sure you are reading your Bug Club books on line!

Check your Mathletics is all up to date.


  1. Dear Sue Sampson,

    I am writing this letter to inform you how important is recycling.
    Plastic is killing fish. We need to recycle it. Chatswort Primary School want to recycle plastic so please can we have recycling box.
    Think about what will happen in 2050 with all the plastic we don't recycle. It'll land in sea and fish will die.
    All the plastic we recycle can be made in different things.

    Your sincerely

    Mateusz Switalski

  2. JAKE blog/homework

    Dear Sue Samson;

    I hope you read this letter-IT IS IMPORTANT!
    This is about the plastic waste.
    People are littering plastic every day and at this rate they there will be more plastic in the ocoan than fish in 2050. There should be atleast 1 plastic bin down every road. The plastic bins should be, avarage as big as a piano. And there should be a plastic box in every school.

    Yours senceraly,


  3. Dear Sue Sampson,

    This is about plastic and the sea.
    Plastic is effecting sealife and our emotions and we need to do something about it by 2050 their will be more plastic in the sea then fish we should have recyclable plastic or reuseable plastic it save money for us and saves fish just imagine you were one of those endagared poor defense less fish swimming in the sea.

    Yours sinceraly,

    Sreh 5CW,


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I just wanted to say a few things... Thank you so very much for the brilliant and very special gift. It was so thoughtful and yes, I did c...