Thursday, 1 March 2018

Chilly, Chilly, Chilly!

Image result for london in the snow
One of my favourite places in London looky very pretty in the snow.

I'd like you to be scientific researchers. Find out as much as you can about these forces:
Friction, Gravity, Air Resistance and Up Thrust (sometimes called water restistance). You can make a poster or fact file for our display to show your research.

Can you find out about Parables. What are they? What are they meant to do?
Challenge: Write your own Parable
I'd really like to put some of your writing on the RE wall.

Mathletics has been set for you.

1 comment:

  1. Jake blog homework
    Friction force

    Friction is a force between two surfaces that are sliding
    across each other.
    Friction always slow a moving object down.
    The rougher the surface, the more friction there is.
    Friction also produces heat.
    It can make things less slippery.
    E.g: it stops us from slipping on the path when we walk.


Thank You and Goodnight!

I just wanted to say a few things... Thank you so very much for the brilliant and very special gift. It was so thoughtful and yes, I did c...