Friday, 20 April 2018

Space - the final boldy go where no-one has gone before!

Ok...except all the men and women who have already been into space!
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Now that's extreme reading!
Image result for uss enterprise

Our Science topic this half term is Earth Sun and Moon.

I'd like you to find out as much as you can about:

  • Any of the planets - including the dwarf planet Pluto
  • Earth - history, plates etc.
  • Sun - what it is and the effects it has on our planet
  • Moon - not just our moon, but the moons of some of the other planets
Present your research as a fact file, model, poster or newspaper article.

We will be learning about mountains in Geography. You could research the UK's highest mountians - remember England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will all have their own highest!

Don'r forget to read EVERY DAY for 20-30 minutes and log your reading in your journal. 

Please learn your spellings! 

Thank You and Goodnight!

I just wanted to say a few things... Thank you so very much for the brilliant and very special gift. It was so thoughtful and yes, I did c...